
Cathy at Drift Creek Falls

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Loren Cordain Sorts out the

So the US News has come up with their best diets report. It's interesting that a panel of "Experts" rated the Paleo Diet last, however, if you look at the ratings from actual users, the Paleo Diet rated best in "Did this diet work for you?" category.

Loren Cordain has brilliantly refuted the ridiculous, specious jounalism that was the Top-Rated Diet article. Below is a link to the article Loren has written. This link will take you to Robb Wolf's website. Be sure to read the comments, too. One of the comments, by The Warning, brought up the point that the "top rated" diet (DASH Diet) was a collaborative effort of the National Institutes of Health and Monsanto. Also that the diets were rated in descending order of how they adhered to the USDA Food Pyramid.

Anyway, make sure you read Loren Cordains response. It's all cited, so you can look up the real science.

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